let’s make teaching sustainable
Before we can begin our work together, we will need to assess strengths and challenges with regard to sustainability. We will use a process similar to the #SustainableTeaching Project, using surveys and interviews to find trends.
Once we’ve completed the Sustainability Audit, we will collaborate on a sustainability goal for your school or school district, aligned to one of the Six Mindset Shifts. The SMART Framework will ensure our goals are clear, actionable, and grounded in a clear definition of success.
Once we set goals, we can begin the work. This can entail whole-school workshops around specific sustainable practices, such as learner-driven assessment, as well as small-group and one-on-one coaching for personalized professional learning. Paul will also coach administrators and coaches in sustainable professional learning practices and school culture.
At the end of our first year together, we will assess progress towards our sustainability goals. Using a similar approach, we will conduct more surveys and interviews to gauge the effectiveness of our sustainability efforts.
sustainable teaching project
In 2021, Paul began writing about sustainable pedagogy. Through exploring sustainability, he realized that sustainability was personal, and therefore, he needed a larger data set to better understand what would #MakeTeachingSustainable. So he started the #SustainableTeaching Project.
Almost 350 educators, administrators, and coaches from all 50 states have currently participated in the #SustainableTeaching Project. You can, too, by visiting this link.
Sustainable Teaching is all about preserving teachers’ energy budgets and finding balance. When teachers are pulling from an empty tank, teaching becomes unsustainable. When their energy budget are balanced, teaching becomes sustainable.
Reach out to Paul. We will conduct a sustainability audit and create a package that works for your school.
Contact ME.
Please reach out to paul@maketeachingsustainable.org to get more information about hourly rates, availability, and professional learning offerings.